Tori Amos’ Tori And The Muses

There are a few divas who I worship but know I will never meet…Madonna and Cher, I’m looking at you. Tori Amos held a spot on that list until she posted on Instagram a book tour to promote her new children’s book “Tori And The Muses” with a stop at the Barnes & Nobel Union…

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Calling All Lifeforms…Is That All There Is To A Tour?

Happy Valentine’s Day, here’s something sweet with some Candi for you! Tonight my plans involve a little self love (a yoga class, pervs) and then in bed early with my partner recovering from the best foursome I experienced in a while, at least since the “Unladylike Tour” of 2024. My Valentine’s Eve was spent in…

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Catherine Cohen

Attention Fags & Hags! I might be late to the party, and if that’s the case, shame on anyone who knew about Catherine Cohen and didn’t tell me. If you’re unaware of Cat, let me introduce you to one of the funniest divas I’ve discovered in a while. She’s got the humor of Julie Brown,…

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Camille Schmidt’s Nude #9

Nude #9 is Camille Schmidt’s brand new album and she’s continuing to work her folksy-pop sound on much of it, but there are a few tracks that surprisingly veer from her usual style. She branches out a lot on this album and flirts with a lot of different styles. “XOXO” goes very electro-pop with heavily…

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Drag: The Musical & Teeth

When it comes to theatrical shows, it’ll come as no surprise to anyone, that I’m a musical loving gay. I love Broadway musicals but prefer off Broadway productions even more. Off Broadway tends to be funnier and more nonconforming so give me a low-rent, off-color production any day. Back in 2007 I saw my first,…

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Marina Diamandis’ Eat The World

This past Monday, October 28th, I took a day off from work (who doesn’t love a long weekend) to go down to Brooklyn, New York for the book launch of Marina’s new book of poetry, “Eat The World”. It was a beautiful day to walk from Grand Central, over the Brooklyn Bridge and a few…

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Debbie Harry’s Face It

A few days before I was scheduled to leave on vacation for Quebec City, I found out Debbie Harry and Chris Stein of Blondie fame were doing a book signing at Bookmarc (400 Bleecker St) in New York City. It wasn’t the most convenient but there was no way in hell I was missing an…

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Quebec City

Bonjour! Bienvenue a Quebec! This week my partner and I decided to road trip it to Quebec City because it’s roughly a seven-hour drive north of us, it wouldn’t be any hotter than Connecticut and it would feel like a whole new country…well it is, but Canada doesn’t really count. All I knew about Quebec…

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Pandora’s Boxx

I’ve been a fan of Rupaul’s Drag Race ever since the beginning (shocking, I know) and just finished season sixteen. Out of all those seasons, there has only been one queen that I became a fan of. Pandora Boxx from season two. Rupaul doesn’t always make the best decisions on Drag Race, in my gay…

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