The Day I Met Cher: The Dream

I’m in a high school parking lot on a beautiful New York day. There are cheerleaders atop a school bus doing routines. Flips, splits and pom-pom’s everywhere, major routines beyond anything I’ve seen in any of the six Bring It On movies…yes, I’ve seen all six. They’re defying gravity (this is a dream after all)…

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Cher’s Dancing Queen

I’m not religious so I don’t go to church to confess my sins to the holy dude in the secret closet. However, I will confess my ultimate gay sin here…I don’t like ABBA. Blasphemy, I know! That haunting noise heard across the land was all the gays of the past, present and future gasping in…

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Top 5 Torturous Tunes

One of my pet peeves is hanging out with couples who bicker and argue in front of me. Why air your dirty laundry in public? I don’t want to hear it, save it for behind closed doors. If you can’t contain your anger, then have the decency to be passive aggressive about it. All people…

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Echosmith’s Inside A Dream EP

I became an Echosmith fan, like many people, the minute I heard their hit single “Cool Kids” back in 2013. I bought their album Talking Dreams and their EP Acoustic Dreams which is some of the Talking Dreams songs stripped down. What I like about Echosmith is that they have an upbeat vibe and make…

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Kathy Griffin’s Celebrity Run-Ins

When we last left off I was leaving the Carrie Fisher book signing in New York City and running 5 blocks to try and catch Kathy Griffin signing copies of her new book Celebrity Run-Ins. Kathy’s event started at 6:00 with a discussion and a signing to follow. I got to the Barnes & Noble…

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