Alyssa Milano’s Sorry Not Sorry

I’m a huge fan of Japanese pop-music icon Alyssa Milano as well as her work on the TV shows Who’s The Boss, Melrose Place, Charmed (one of the best shows ever created, in my gay opinion), and Insatiable. Back on March 30th, 2009 I went to Borders in New York City for a book signing…

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Adam Silvera’s They Both Die At The End

Don’t worry, this post doesn’t have spoilers, how could it when the book’s title says it all, “They Both Die At The End.” That’s the ultimate spoiler alert right there, it’s also the first thing that caught my eye in an email from The Strand Bookstore in New York City. The second thing that got…

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Tori Amos’ Resistance

In order for music to resonate with me, it has to speak to the sensibilities of my inner teen girl…it’s Britney, Bitch. Back in 1992, Tori Amos released her Little Earthquakes album and it shook my inner Britney to her core. Before this time, my musical taste was very light and pop oriented (and still…

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Betsey Johnson’s Betsey: A Memoir

Who knew in August 2006 when I agreed to cat sit for my partner’s co-worker’s two cats that my TV-watching and diva-stalking life would be changed forever. I agreed to help Betty and Ernest’s parents (I don’t remember their names) for two reasons #1: I love cats and #2: they had cable and air conditioning,…

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Demi Moore’s Inside Out: A Memoir

I was excited to see tickets being sold for a Demi Moore book signing and discussion in New York for her autobiography Inside Out: A Memoir. Earlier that day Whoopi Goldberg was doing a book signing but it was a wristband event, meaning getting there early to be guaranteed a spot. In my gay opinion,…

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Whoopi Goldberg’s The Unqualified Hostess

In my gay opinion, everybody is a whore for something and for me it’s celebrity book signings. Give me a diva dishing about her career, her drug or alcohol addiction, and her ex-lovers and I am all over it. Hell I was even up for Whoopi Goldberg’s signing for her new book The Unqualified Hostess…

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