Twinnie’s Hollywood Gypsy

In my gay opinion, country music can be depressing with its tinny guitars and downer lyrics. Even Cyndi Lauper, who I worship, wasn’t able to convert me with her Detour album. However, there are some up-and-coming pop-country divas that can get my toes a tappin’, and Twinnie is one of them. Twinnie’s Hollywood Gypsy album…

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What’s my resolution for 2020? I don’t have one. In my gay opinion we shouldn’t put that sort of pressure on ourselves to improve, instead we should be a little more excepting of who we are. Why mess with perfection, I always say. So this year I’m feeling grateful for the things I have and…

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In my gay opinion, Christmas is just like any other day of the year, the only difference is I get two extra days off from work that don’t count against my vacation days. Now that is something worth celebrating. Christmas makes me feel bad for the people who stress the meal prep and who start…

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Giving Thanks

This month people have been trying my patience….let me rephrase that, people have been trying my patience more than usual. Nicely put, I’ve been dealing with a bunch of whiny bitches who I want to smack as well as people who are in bad situations that I could have easy found myself in but can’t…

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90210 The Musical

As I mentioned in a previous post, in my gay opinion, going to see a show in New York City is one of the best things to do there. Unfortunately, the shows I hear the most about are the ones I wouldn’t want to see. I have zero interest in seeing Hamilton. People wonder who…

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