Paula Cole’s Revolution

I’ve done a bunch of Paula Cole posts. When I reviewed her album 7 I talked about how I first discovered her, how good she is live on This Bright Red Feeling, and how she helped propose to my partner when I blogged about Ballads. Now her new album Revolution is out and it’s the…

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Marina’s Love & Fear Tour & Acoustic EP

Friday the 13th is superstitiously unlucky but not for me. This month Marina released her Love & Fear Acoustic EP and I had a seat in the 13th row at the Rockland Trust Bank Pavilion in Boston, Massachusetts to see her in concert. This was my second time seeing Marina in concert and this show…

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Natasha Bedingfield’s Roll With Me

In my gay opinion, Natasha Bedingfield is a lot like Dido, not musically but in the way that I know what I’m getting when she releases a new album. Where Dido is more mellow and laid back, Natasha is upbeat and cheery. It’s been almost a decade since Natasha’s last album, so it was time…

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Tidal Babes’ OMG EP

I was recently introduced to the Tital Babes’ new EP, OMG. In my gay opinion, this is the EP that Annette Funicello would have made had she told Walt Disney to stick his Mickey Mouse ears where the sun don’t shine and refused to be the sex-symbol in Beach Blanket Bingo, instead demanding that Frankie…

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Ingrid Michaelson’s Stranger Songs

I was a huge fan of the first season of the TV show Stranger Thing. I loved the sci-fi teen adventure plot with an 80’s feel, it reminded me of the movies ET and Goonies and I also loved that they bailed Winona Ryder’s ass out of a mall jail somewhere to star. Then season…

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Madonna’s Madame X (Deluxe)

Now that Madonna explained who Madame X is (she forgot pretentious), this is how I see Madame X. Medellin – Four years since Rebel Heart and I was ready for some new Madonna music. After hearing the first single “Medellin”, I thought “Eh”, but who knew this would be one of the better songs on…

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Carly Rae Jepsen’s Dedicated

In my gay opinion, Carly Rae Jepsen’s new album Dedicated is like cotton candy. It’s colorful, light and sweet with Carly Rae singing in her sugary voice without over-producing. The music is pure pop with fun house-like lyrics that are repetitive and able to be sung along to with just a few listens. Although she…

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