Lisa Remar’s hi… EP

Lisa Remar crams a whole lot of heart-on-her-sleeve confessionals into less than ten minutes on her new four-track EP, hi…. Lisa has a Dido-esque, sorrowful, slow-song sound with electric guitar wailings that match the heart-wrenching lyrics perfectly. The short (and anything but sweet) intro, “sometimes…,” begins the EP with the anxiety of waiting on someone…

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Harvey Fierstein’s I Was Better Last Night

Anyone who knows me, knows an immediate family member must practically die or get married in order to get me into any religious building. I used to go to a church weekly only because it was where my yoga class was held. However, I’ve been in some famous churches, mosques and synagogues when traveling. In Italy…

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Raquel Lily’s Fixations

Back in April of 2020 I was introduced to Raquel Lily through her single “Mary” and included it on a post I did at the time. I’ve been waiting and finally after two years, I get to hear Fixations, her full album.  “Mary” introduces the album with her smooth old-school R & B sound, pro-pot…

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Taylor Alxndr’s 1993

1993, what a year! I was ordering Cyndi Lauper’s Hat Full Of Stars and Belinda Carlisle’s Real CDs to fulfill my Columbia House membership. I was running to the theater and falling more in love with Tina Turner because of Angela Bassett’s portrayal of her in What’s Love Got To Do With It. And I…

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Kile J’s Honey

Kile J’s new EP is sweet and smooth, just like Honey. No bees were harmed in the making of this EP, so this vegan is eating it up. This new-to-me, non-binary diva delivers a positive message over infectious beats that are sticky nuggets of musical bliss that stay in your head after a few listens.   With so…

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Madi Diaz’s Same History, New Feelings

It was Diva Deals Day at My Gay Opinion last week. I took advantage of Bandcamp Friday, where all the proceeds of purchases went directly to the artists. I purchased Madi Diaz’s new EP, Same History, New Feelings. Madi took four songs off her last album, History Of A Feeling, and reworked each with a…

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Madison Malone’s Songs I Wrote Before You

When I was first introduced to Madison Malone’s I & II EP, I was attracted to her folk/pop sound but on her new EP, Songs I Wrote Before You, she has gone completely pop and I am living for it. In my gay opinion, it’s rare for a diva’s sophomore EP to be better than…

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Foxes’ The Kick

On her new album, The Kick, Foxes stays true to her pop-dance roots. She likes to play with the tempo; from simple swaying, to shoulder shaking, to full on shoe stomping, with many transitions in each song. Not only does Foxes fill her songs musically but lyrically as well. In my gay opinion, dance music…

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Sophia’s Fragile

Sophia was the first new-to-me diva to come across my radar in 2022 but she’s giving me old school 2003 vibes. Sophia’s Fragile album has a reminiscent pop and R&B sound that I haven’t enjoyed since Maria’s album, My Soul, back in the day. Sophia is a queer singer, songwriter, performer and producer who is bringing…

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Another Nguyen

I check out Kickstarter at least a couple times a month to see if there’s any new indie artists, who have music that I enjoy, looking to crowdfund a new album or EP. This past weekend I came across the campaign of new-to-me diva, Another Nguyen, who’s trying to get her second EP and new…

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