Twinnie’s Bad Bad Bitch

I’ve been a fan of Twinnie’s for a few years now. In my gay opinion, Twinnie’s sound is the perfect mix of country and pop, and her newest single “Bad Bad Bitch” is once again the perfect marriage of the two. When I heard her newest single was called “Bad Bad Bitch,” I knew to…

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Shakespears Sister’s Hormonally Yours 30th Anniversary

I’m not a big celebrator of birthdays or anniversaries. However, when Shakespears Sister announced a 30th anniversary release of their album Hormonally Yours in a CD/DVD duo-pack nestled in a catsuit sequined pouch with autographed pic, how could I say no to buying a gift for the love of my life…I’m talking about myself, of…

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Beth Nielsen Chapman’s CrazyTown

Welcome to CrazyTown! Don’t know where it is? Take a left at the Dairy Queen…yeah, that’s me on the corner in the cow outfit waving a rainbow flag, and it’s just two towns over from Funky Town! Speaking of which, the only style of music Beth Nielsen Chapman doesn’t cover on her new album is…

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Abigail Osborn’s Bad Lover: Chapter 1

With summer coming to an end, I’m bummed knowing that winter is coming. Snow and ice storms that make getting warm impossible, that at times, shut down the entire state. It puts the kibosh on fun. In my gay opinion, Abigail Osborn’s new EP Bad Lover: Chapter 1 is perfect for this season, keeping that…

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Kris Angelis’ Damn Shame Waste

I’ve been a sucker for Kris Angelis’ modern-folk sound for years now and the sway-worthy, singer-songwriter siren is back with her new album Damn Shame Waste. Once again, Kris bares her soul musically and lyrically in a way that only she can. The album starts out (“Run” “A Different Story” “Paper Planes.”) with a retro-country gospel…

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Jenifer Lewis’ Walking In My Joy

In my gay opinion, Jenifer Lewis is a diva and a “double D cup diva” at that, by her own admission. Back in 2018, I went to my first Jenifer Lewis book event for “The Mother Of Black Hollywood,” which was so memorable that I was thrilled when Barnes & Noble Union Square in New…

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Ryan La Sala’s The Honeys

A queer horror book, sign me up! When I got an email from RJ Julia Booksellers in Madison, Connecticut announced they were having a discussion and book signing with Ryan La Sala for his queer-horror book “The Honeys”, I was all over it. The book blurb described The Honeys themselves as a beautiful and terrifying…

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Genes’ Super Single EP

In my gay opinion, Carly Rae Jepsen no longer has the market cornered on feel-good pop music, let me introduce you to Genes. I dare you to listen to her latest EP, Super Single, and not find yourself breaking out in a smile, bobbing your head to the beat or pulling out your finger guns…

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NoSo’s Stay Proud Of Me

In May I discovered NoSo’s music when they opened for Molly Burch at Space Ballroom here in Connecticut. NoSo’s musical style and sound caught my attention, putting them on my radar, and I’ve been looking forward to the release of their new album, Stay Proud Of Me, ever since. Last week, my wait was finally…

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